Headed to the Dontonbori area for my first evening in Osaka on the hunt for something to eat... ended up being totally overwhelmed! So many options, great smells, huge queues and people trying to lure you in to every restaurant or food stand. Seems like they try and claim every food originates in Osaka (even Kobe beef!?) but I opted for okonomiyaki and octopus takoyaki balls....pretty UMAII!
Got a bit obsessed with this giant fugu... didn’t actually try any fugu (that’s the one that can kill you if not prepared correctly...been having too much fun to die right now!) but I did see these little guys ready to become someone’s dinner 😭
Okonomiyaki heaven!! Mayo by me haha
after exploring Osaka, i was recommended this cute hidden bar… you had to crawl through a tiny doorway to get in and the cocktails and people inside were great!! So glad I went even though I was mega nervous to go to a bar on my own haha